Calling all Hackers - Update

10/08/2023 Written by Professor Dr. C. Jordan Howell


I want to express my sin­cere grat­i­tude for the community’s active par­tic­i­pa­tion in my research study. The com­ple­tion of the sur­vey by over 250 elite hack­ers has sig­nif­i­cantly deep­ened our under­stand­ing of hack­ing cul­ture, shed­ding light on the skills, moti­va­tions, and tech­niques inher­ent within the com­mu­nity.

As we move for­ward, my team will reach out in Jan­u­ary to those who pro­vided con­tact infor­ma­tion, ini­ti­at­ing the sec­ond phase of our study. This phase involves inter­view­ing active hack­ers to gain a deeper under­stand­ing of the meth­ods and thought processes in choos­ing a tar­get and exe­cut­ing an attack.

Ded­i­cated to ensur­ing trans­parency and acces­si­bil­ity, while pri­or­i­tiz­ing respon­dent con­fi­den­tial­ity, I will share pre­lim­i­nary find­ings on Twit­ter, @Dr_Cybercrime, before for­mal pub­li­ca­tion.

If you’re inter­ested in learn­ing more about this project or explor­ing avenues for col­lab­o­ra­tion, please don’t hes­i­tate to reach out to me via email at cjhowell@​usf.​edu.

Stay tuned for more updates!


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Dedicated to all the hackers - Pho3nix (Roulette Cinese)

24/03/2014 Written by Roberto SyS64738 Preatoni

We finally con­cluded the Hacker Visual Con­test through which we col­lected video­clips and art­work from the hacker world which we used to assem­ble the offi­cial video­clip for the song “Pho3nix” (Roulette Cinese) ded­i­cated to the hacker world.
I feel obliged to thank all of the par­tic­i­pants, cred­its are added at the end of the clip with a spe­cial men­tion to Chris­tan Milani for the out­stand­ing remix, to Roberto “SyS64738” Preatoni for pro­mot­ing the idea through­out the hacker world and to Gian­luca Zenone aka Alex Dreiser for the video­clip real­iza­tion.
Thanks again to all of you and… enjoy the clip.

Joe Raggi (Roulette Cinese)
(for what is worth: https://​itunes​.apple​.com/​i​t​/​a​r​t​i​s​t​/​r​o​u​l​e​t​t​e​-​c​i​n​e​s​e​/​i​d​2​8​6​5​75097)

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The Virtual Graffiti Project

03/02/2014 Written by Todd Hopkins


To the Zone-​H community:

I’m a spe­cial­ist in graf­fiti, one of the old­est and most inter­est­ing forms of human expression.

As a researcher at a major North Amer­i­can Uni­ver­sity, I’ve been care­fully fol­low­ing the most recent devel­op­ment in the long his­tory of graf­fiti: the move to the dig­i­tal envi­ron­ment and the rise of what I call Vir­tual Graf­fiti – my name for the work you do and for what is pre­served here at Zone-​H.

I’m inter­view­ing vir­tual graf­fiti artists as part of The Vir­tual Graf­fiti Project, an exhi­bi­tion that I’m putting together with some friends and col­leagues, to intro­duce vir­tual graf­fiti to the broader world. I work on Skype or Gmail chat, and record inter­views on a dig­i­tal recorder, care­fully pro­tect­ing the anonymity of my sources (see below).

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Call for hacker visual artwork

10/07/2013 Written by SyS64738

Know­ing me both as a musi­cian and a rep­re­sen­ta­tive of the hack­ing world, I have been play­ing as a guest in a music track for an ital­ian electro-​pop group (Roulette Cinese).
The track name is Pho3nix and the lyrics talk about hack­ers and the hacker’s world.
The group leader now would like to make a video­clip for such track and the movie maker would like to receive images, draw­ings, pic­tures, movies any sort of visu­ally artis­tic thing done by hack­ers while lis­ten­ing to this audio track and think­ing about what the con­cept of hacking/​hacker visu­ally rep­re­sents to them.
To help Roulette Cinese to col­lect visual mate­r­ial for the video­clip I am now run­ning around ask­ing to hack­ers to lis­ten to this track
and if inter­ested to par­tic­i­pate, to send me a visual art­work for what hack­ing means to them.
It could be rep­re­sent­ing any sub­ject, in whichever style, it’s totally up to every sin­gle par­tic­i­pant as long as it related to hack­ing.
The pictures/​artworks can be signed with your name or nick­name.
Would you be up to help me and Roulette Cinese by:

– par­tic­i­pat­ing and send­ing me one visual art­work from your side
– help­ing me to dif­fuse this ask­ing also to other hack­ers friend of yours to participate?

You can send your visual art­work to admin@​zone-​h.​org, email sub­ject: Pho3nix

Thanks a lot for your help!

Roberto “SyS64738” Preatoni

Other Roulette Cinese past video­clips:


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Hacker diagnosed with brain cancer, hacks the closed source report distributing it to the open source community hoping to get some help

09/09/2012 Written by SyS64738

This is a some­what aston­ish­ing news, and once again the demon­stra­tion that alter­na­tive think­ing might be the way to solve appar­ently unsolv­able cases.
I just report what was writ­ten by the hacker him­self on his web­site.
Can any­one help?

Rome, Sep­tem­ber 10th 2012

I have a brain can­cer.

Yes­ter­day I went to get my dig­i­tal med­ical records: I have to show them to many doc­tors.

Sadly they were in a closed, pro­pri­etary for­mat and, thus, I could not open them using my com­puter, or send them in this for­mat to all the peo­ple who could have saved my life.

I cracked them.

I opened them and con­verted the con­tents into open for­mats, so that I could share them with every­one.

Just today I have been able to share the data about my health con­di­tion (about my brain can­cer) with 3 doc­tors.

2 of them already replied.

I have been able to do it because the data used open, acces­si­ble for­mats: they have been able to open the files using their com­put­ers, their tablets. They have been able to reply from home, on sun­day.

I will pro­gres­sively pub­lish all the replies I will receive, using open for­mats, so that any­one with my same dis­ease will be able to ben­e­fit from the solu­tions I will find.

This is a CURE. This is my OPEN SOURCE CURE.

This is an open invi­ta­tion to take part in the CURE.

CURE, in dif­fer­ent cul­tures, means dif­fer­ent things.

There are cures for the body, for spirit, for com­mu­ni­ca­tion.

Grab the infor­ma­tion about my dis­ease, if you want, and give me a CURE: cre­ate a video, an art­work, a map, a text, a poem, a game, or try to find a solu­tion for my health prob­lem.

Artists, design­ers, hack­ers, sci­en­tists, doc­tors, pho­tog­ra­phers, video­mak­ers, musi­cians, writ­ers. Any­one can give me a CURE.

Cre­ate your CURE using the con­tent which you find in the DATI/​DATA sec­tion here on this site, and send it to info@​artisopensource.​net.


THANKS A LOT, Roberto “SyS64738” Preatoni

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