Calling all Hackers - Update
10/08/2023 Written by Professor Dr. C. Jordan Howell
I want to express my sincere gratitude for the community’s active participation in my research study. The completion of the survey by over 250 elite hackers has significantly deepened our understanding of hacking culture, shedding light on the skills, motivations, and techniques inherent within the community.
As we move forward, my team will reach out in January to those who provided contact information, initiating the second phase of our study. This phase involves interviewing active hackers to gain a deeper understanding of the methods and thought processes in choosing a target and executing an attack.
Dedicated to ensuring transparency and accessibility, while prioritizing respondent confidentiality, I will share preliminary findings on Twitter, @Dr_Cybercrime, before formal publication.
If you’re interested in learning more about this project or exploring avenues for collaboration, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me via email at
Stay tuned for more updates!
Dedicated to all the hackers - Pho3nix (Roulette Cinese)
24/03/2014 Written by Roberto SyS64738 Preatoni
We finally concluded the Hacker Visual Contest through which we collected videoclips and artwork from the hacker world which we used to assemble the official videoclip for the song “Pho3nix” (Roulette Cinese) dedicated to the hacker world.
I feel obliged to thank all of the participants, credits are added at the end of the clip with a special mention to Christan Milani for the outstanding remix, to Roberto “SyS64738” Preatoni for promoting the idea throughout the hacker world and to Gianluca Zenone aka Alex Dreiser for the videoclip realization.
Thanks again to all of you and… enjoy the clip.
Joe Raggi (Roulette Cinese)
(for what is worth:
The Virtual Graffiti Project
03/02/2014 Written by Todd Hopkins
To the Zone-H community:
I’m a specialist in graffiti, one of the oldest and most interesting forms of human expression.
As a researcher at a major North American University, I’ve been carefully following the most recent development in the long history of graffiti: the move to the digital environment and the rise of what I call Virtual Graffiti – my name for the work you do and for what is preserved here at Zone-H.
I’m interviewing virtual graffiti artists as part of The Virtual Graffiti Project, an exhibition that I’m putting together with some friends and colleagues, to introduce virtual graffiti to the broader world. I work on Skype or Gmail chat, and record interviews on a digital recorder, carefully protecting the anonymity of my sources (see below).
Call for hacker visual artwork
10/07/2013 Written by SyS64738
Knowing me both as a musician and a representative of the hacking world, I have been playing as a guest in a music track for an italian electro-pop group (Roulette Cinese).
The track name is Pho3nix and the lyrics talk about hackers and the hacker’s world.
The group leader now would like to make a videoclip for such track and the movie maker would like to receive images, drawings, pictures, movies any sort of visually artistic thing done by hackers while listening to this audio track and thinking about what the concept of hacking/hacker visually represents to them.
To help Roulette Cinese to collect visual material for the videoclip I am now running around asking to hackers to listen to this track
and if interested to participate, to send me a visual artwork for what hacking means to them.
It could be representing any subject, in whichever style, it’s totally up to every single participant as long as it related to hacking.
The pictures/artworks can be signed with your name or nickname.
Would you be up to help me and Roulette Cinese by:
– participating and sending me one visual artwork from your side
– helping me to diffuse this asking also to other hackers friend of yours to participate?
You can send your visual artwork to, email subject: Pho3nix
Thanks a lot for your help!
Roberto “SyS64738” Preatoni
Other Roulette Cinese past videoclips:
Hacker diagnosed with brain cancer, hacks the closed source report distributing it to the open source community hoping to get some help
09/09/2012 Written by SyS64738
This is a somewhat astonishing news, and once again the demonstration that alternative thinking might be the way to solve apparently unsolvable cases.
I just report what was written by the hacker himself on his website.
Can anyone help?
I have a brain cancer.
Yesterday I went to get my digital medical records: I have to show them to many doctors.
Sadly they were in a closed, proprietary format and, thus, I could not open them using my computer, or send them in this format to all the people who could have saved my life.
I cracked them.
I opened them and converted the contents into open formats, so that I could share them with everyone.
Just today I have been able to share the data about my health condition (about my brain cancer) with 3 doctors.
2 of them already replied.
I have been able to do it because the data used open, accessible formats: they have been able to open the files using their computers, their tablets. They have been able to reply from home, on sunday.
I will progressively publish all the replies I will receive, using open formats, so that anyone with my same disease will be able to benefit from the solutions I will find.
This is a CURE. This is my OPEN SOURCE CURE.
This is an open invitation to take part in the CURE.
CURE, in different cultures, means different things.
There are cures for the body, for spirit, for communication.
Grab the information about my disease, if you want, and give me a CURE: create a video, an artwork, a map, a text, a poem, a game, or try to find a solution for my health problem.
Artists, designers, hackers, scientists, doctors, photographers, videomakers, musicians, writers. Anyone can give me a CURE.
Create your CURE using the content which you find in the DATI/DATA section here on this site, and send it to
THANKS A LOT, Roberto “SyS64738” Preatoni